Sunday, December 1, 2013

Real Cabs vs. Two Notes Wall of Sound Sims

Since the Two Notes stuff is making some noise around the music gear world I figured I would give the sims a good solid shot.

I am using the Two Notes Wall of Sound plugin and a Rivera Rock Crusher as a load box, and comparing the same sound/amp settings to a real miked up cab.

For this demo I plugged my Gibson Les Paul Traditional w/ EMG Het set directly into a Peavey 6505+ and went to town.  The Two Notes plugin is setup so that it is using a two cab/two mic setup with the SM57 and MD421 sims.

Here's the tones:

Two Notes Calif StdC 4x12 (Recto w/ V30s 4x12 sim)

Real Recto 4x12 Miked up

Two Notes Green Tri (4x12 with Greenbacks)

Real Marshall 1960a (w/ Greenbacks) miked up

Here's a video demo of all 4 in one:

I think the Two Notes sims are pretty good right out of the box.  Much brighter than similar mic positions on a real cab so I did apply a little post EQ just to darken them a bit.  I think with further tweaking they are a great alternative to a real miked up cab.  Oh and as a bonus using a load box on the amp and going direct in you can record 100% silent if you wish.