Monday, August 26, 2013

PRS Custom 24 Heavy Tones (Part 3 - Mesa Dual Rectifier)

This post will detail my PRS Custom 24 through a full bore Mesa Dual Rectifier.  The signal chain is pretty much the same as my previous entry around the Mesa Mini (pedals, mics, etc).  The main difference is that I am using a Mesa Recto 4x12 instead of the 2x12.  For the rhythm part I am using Red Modern, and the "lead" Orange Vintage.  The back of the amp is set to Bold with Diode Rectification.

Red Modern

Orange Vintage




PRS Custom 24 Heavy Tones (Part 2 - Mesa Mini Recto)

Welcome to part 2 of my PRS Custom 24 tone profiles.  This time I am going to play the same riffs in part one through a Mesa Mini Rectifier and Mesa 2x12 cabinet.  All clips are using Channel 2 Modern.  The setup is as follows: PRS Custom 24 into Boss NS-2 gate, Protone Misha Mansoor sig OD for boost, Mini Recto, Recto cabinet with an off axis Shure SM57 and on axis Sennheiser MD 421.

In the Mini Recto loop I am using an ISP Decimator to take care of any extra hiss, as well as a TC Electronic Flashback Delay for the "lead" part.


Mini Recto Settings


Misha Boost





Sunday, August 25, 2013

PRS Custom 24 Heavy Tones (Part 1 - Marshall JVM)

This begins a series of entries around my 2011 PRS Custom 24 - specifically for heavier tones.  I will play the same basic riffs (and crappy improvised solos) into each of my amps to get a feel for how the guitar sounds recorded through my camera and mic setup.

PRS Custom 24
The first amp recorded is the Marshall JVM 205h - through a Marshall 1960a with T-75s and V30s in an "X" pattern.  The mics used are a Shure SM57 and a Sennheiser MD421.  The amp channel used is OD Green, boosted with my MXR Classic OD.  The "Solo" parts have some delay on them provided by the MXR Carbon Copy.

Amp Settings





